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Wystawa 12/08/2014 Kulturhaus „Alter Schlachthof“ w Soest

wystawa soest




Mdłości w Wozowni 10.01.2014

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Wystawa RURY




Hommage à Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven

Hommage à Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven

Baroness Elsa >>

Happy New Year!

Sometimes I wish I had a laser in my eyes

Sometimes I wish I had a laser in my eyes

III Young Art Auction

Das Narrenschiff on the third Young Art Auction


Friday, December 7, 2012

Time: 20:00, RIVER Restaurant, Księcia Witolda street 1, (between the bridges) Wrocław

the catalogue:

2nd Exhibition in Kassel, Café am Bebelplatz, 4th of November


Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 153, Kassel

exhibition in Kassel-Werkstatt 21.08 – 29.09.2012

Werkstatt Kassel e.V.

friedrich-ebert-str. 175
34119 kassel
tel 0561 | 777 509


Epelde – Mardaras arte galeria, inauguración


Expresionismo y feminismo unidos por Monika Mausolf

Escrito por  

Una serie de expresionistas obras quedan expuestas en la galería Epelde & Mardaras, de Bilbao, de la mano de una atrevida y polifacética artista, Monika Mausolf (1986). Una artista polaca que sorprende por la manera de entender y dar a conocer el cuerpo humano en la sociedad actual.

La mujer queda plasmada en sus pinturas de manera peculiar e impactante. Como mujer feminista que es, la autora de estas pinturas ofrece al público una crítica a la opresión de la mujer y logra plasmar esa mujer liberal y salvaje que tanto anhela el mundo.

El surrealismo y expresionismo quedan patentes en estas obras, pero también ese afán por reflejar las ideas y creencias de una autora revolucionaria y con personalidad. Esta sensibilidad especial de Monika Mausolf conmueve al público de manera impresionante. Pero esta exposición tiene un sentido añadido a esta feminidad, y es la destrucción del hombre por sí mismo, a través de las torturas y el sufrimiento. Este sufrimiento se refleja muy bien en cada una de las obras, que te encoge el corazón, incluso, de manera sobrecogedora.

Esta muestra transmite unos sentimientos que muy pocos artistas logran transmitir. Obras que te conmueven, que impactan, con las que sufres y a la vez disfrutas. Sensaciones que la artista consigue plasmar a través de su original técnica. A pesar de ser una artista que es capaz de impactar en distintos soportes y técnicas, Monika Mausolf ha querido encaminarse hacia la pintura, el dibujo y la escultura. Y le ha ido bien en este camino hacia las tres disciplinas que domina, pues su talento ha viajado por distintos rincones de España, incluso a nivel internacional.

Su manera de entender el mundo, la sociedad y sobre todo la mujer no ha dejado indiferente a nadie y con ello logra sorprender allá donde va. Esta serie de impactantes obras quedarán expuestas en las salas de la galería Epelde & Mardaras, hasta el 7 de julio, para aquellas personas que quieran estremecerse y sentir emociones que reaviven el sentido de la libertad. La personalidad de Monika Mausolf queda patente en sus brillantes obras.


Exhibition 7th of June, Bilbao



From F. stories exhibition 4-22.11.2011

Gallery of modern art Wozownia pictures>>,26-Monika_Mausolf_-_From_F_Stories

exhibition INSPIRATION PICASSO in the gallery Sinagoga in Nis, Serbia, december 2011

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relacja z wystawy From F. Stories

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 foto by

From F.Stories – wernisaż 4.11 Galeria Sztuki Wozownia Toruń,26-Monika_Mausolf_-_From_F_Stories


relacja z wystawy Fumetti

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05.08.2011 projekt FUMETTI


fonlad 6years (more…)

07.03.2011 – DZIEŃ KOBIET Czemu 8, a nie 7? – projekt czterech artystek

zdjęcia z wernisazu dostępne na :


Abnormals Gallery Poznań “I am abnormal” 1+2

dyplom 2010 – Relikty w Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej

The artefacts of civilization

Nowadays in a time of new technologies, living in an madness motion of medicine development we’ve became witnesses of scientific revival of body interest. Now Human body pretend to be a product of society, history and culture moreover we can say that it turend to artefact of followed impacts. Inside the artificially shaped world – as Stanisław Lem wrote once – human being is claimed to be the last artifact of nature. Before our eyes this process generally called the cult of the body is continuing and growing in strength. Thus we’re waitnesses of the probably the gratest cultural revolution concerned on body and human carnality. The age we’re living in now, we can boldly called the epoch of body engineering. Thanks to medicine’s and bilotechnology’s achievements body manipulations aren’t obstacle yet anymore. This process doesn’t seem to be private matter only, it reflects also on general social and cultural life.

In my works I wanted to remind the origin refers and meanings of human body. I interpretate body as a hull, here. Covering that provide a permanent contact with the outside world. It is shaped, created and manipulated by the outwards. The body escaping from burden of further traditions, fell into new slaves, society is impressing new traces on it. The body is being carved using ever newer tools. Therefore it becomes a sort of unique specific mask created by the condition of the environment and symbolized by each material I used. As well as the background of paitings is not meaningless. I strive for keeping it neutral in order to present individual as a sign. And this is because I’ve chosen the white colour what is associated with the plethora of interpretations. For instance the comparision of white material to shroud that the human corpses were wrapped into. Moreover it is a colour connected with the Absolute and the Light. Each of human monumental creature increase in its form to rank of a symbolic dimension, the monument of human character of these days. I becomes an artifact of humanity, the artefact of civilization.

(12 works, mixed media,  HDF board  8mm dimension: 250 cm x 95cm)



Poland / Poznan
I am abnormal 1 & 2 exhibitions in Abnormals Gallery Poznan


dates: 22.01.2011 – 14.02

This year the group exhibition I am abnormal 2 is part of the Abnormal Festival, Abnormal Festival is a joint project of the international art, it’s supported by Abnormal Foundation.
During the festival a series of exhibitions presents extraordinary artistic positions of over 50 international artists. As in the past the exhibited works embrace a large spectrum of various techniques and materials, from traditional painting and drawing to contemporary media as video and photography.
But above all, the events offer the opportunity to exchange ideas considering the activities of the portal during the last years and in the future.


Cenin von Catlien (Burcu Corbaci) – Infant Death Funeral Service, Paul Toupet – Du dernier soir, Erika Patrignani – MariaAnna, Monika Mausolf – Light my Fire, Alexander Sterzel – Zahnraeder einer Totgeburt einer Seenixe, Charlotte Guilbert – Trash, Olivier Lelong – Thanatonaute 001

Artists Martin Blanco (Argentina), Cenin von Catlien – Burcu Corbaci (Turkey), Silvia Cruz (Spain), Agnieszka Dellfina Poland, Charlotte Guilbert (France), Patrice Pit Hubert (France), Iwajla Klinke (Germany), Kristian Kragelund (Denmark), Joachim Lapotre (France), Ivan Lardschneider (Italy), Olivier Lelong (France), Patrick Loréa (France), Cedric Magnin (Switzerland), Monika Mausolf (Poland), Virginia Mori (Italy), Craig Murray (UK), Oscar Sancho Nin (Spain), Erika Patrignani (Italy), Ophelia Queen (Italy), Michał Sosna (Poland), Alexander Sterzel (Germany), Jutta Sugden (USA), Paul Toupet (France), New Opera Hero – Steffen Ungerer (UK), Delphyne V. (France), Juan Zavaleta (Canada)


See and for more information about the festival.

Abnormal Gallery
A window between and the normal world

Linienstr. 154
10115 Berlin

Opening Hours
Tuesday – Friday 15 – 20h, Saturday 13 – 18h

Tel + 49 30 279 088 19






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